Sunday 10 May 2009

Anthony Robbins as a speaker

Anthony robbins is the "leader called upon by leaders. " as the recognized expert in the psychology of peak performance, he has spent more than a quarter of a century serving people from more than 80. He is a gifted speaker—at once entertaining, educating, inspiring and challenging. The essence of his message, simply stated, is that we all have within our grasp the ability to profoundly transform our lives if only we are willing to make clear decisions and take dramatic action to follow through on them. He writes: "i believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life's greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve. As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who live their dreams from those who live in regret. " using his own life story as an example of the commitment to change he teaches, he is unabashed at pointedly challenging others to reach for their own highest potential, and it is apparently this passion for living on the edge of the possible that infuses his work with such a contagious positive energy. When we approached anthony robbins for an interview, we weren't sure what to expect. While we had no doubt that he, like perhaps no one else in the world, would be able to speak eloquently and passionately about self-mastery, we had no idea what, if anything, he would have to say about enlightenment. Surely, we thought, anyone who had spent so much time and energy encouraging and challenging others to break through their limiting ideas, to reach for the highest, would have to have come to some sort of reckoning with the spiritual dimension of life. But we wondered: with his predominant focus on the achievement of material success, how deeply would he have thought about the ultimate goal of the spiritual quest, the final leap beyond all ideas? what would someone who has spent most of his life helping others to get what they want have to say about coming to the.

Anthony robbins is an award-winning speaker and best-selling author in the self development field. For 25 years he's trained hundreds of leaders whether they are politicians, business leaders, entertainers, or the millions of people that have attended his live seminars, and you may have seen his many infomercials that have aired frequently on television. Tony's audio and video programs cover a wide variety of optimal living topics including achieving your dreams, improving your health, and utilizing the full potential of your mind. Com author page you'll find listed below all of tony's products from the audiobook versions of the many books he has written to the recordings of many of his seminars which are broken up into individual days in which tony lays out a plan for self improvement that you can follow.

Anthony robbins is one of the most prolific self-improvement. His infomercials pitching his 24 cassette self improvement program. Called "personal power" (see the next question). Author of two bestselling books, "unlimited power" and "awaken. He started his public speaking career giving. Seminars with harvey and marilyn diamond (see the section on. Offering seminars on a fairly new subject called neuro-linguistic. After a very short training, he began to aggressively. Promote himself at the "foremost nlp practitioner in the world". For a short time he was a business partner with john grinder who.

Sunday 25 January 2009

Anthony Robbins Power Talk Review

Anthony Robbins Power Talk Review by Joshua valentine

Do you want to achieve much more in your private and professional life if you had the supreme masters in the globe coaching you by the side of you? With Tony Robbin's Power Talk Collection, you have right to use to confirm technique and strategy direct from well-known leaders specially selected for their reputation in private growth, sway, and business. He is a famous personality who has motivated millions of people all over the world to live a better and a more happy life and you can be one of them.

Towards the end of the year 1980's Tony Robbins came up with a luminous idea, creation of an monthly audio program of interview with peak lead expert in a lot of diverse fields, from self-improvement to relations, from monetary investment to good health, as well as extraordinary persons who experienced intense circumstances and had a lecture to educate to associate human beings. The result of this pitch was the acoustic program called "Power Talk". The first unique series is prepared of 38 audiotapes of which are about one hour each. Each segment of this program is very popular and people from all over the world have immense benefit out of it.

The occurrence of every incident is at all times the same: in the first part, Tony chooses a meticulous subject including the communique, people's rules, transformational vocabulary and also explain its hypothesis on the subject of it in detail. This segment is regularly enriched with individual genuine life experience of Tony's, by no means reveal in other audio programs. At the wrapping up of this division Tony, advise a book for the month and for a short time talks about it. Tony is forever and a day extremely modest and he put himself in a learning position, despite the fact that he has the propensity to add bit of his hypothesis here and there from time to time, more often than not to test his personal founding in features of the celebrity. The query structure changes extensively according to the outline of the person interviewed but the most recent inquiry are forever the same: Which touches the inner cords of the superstar and often causes extremely profound answers. This is one of the best programs around and a must read if you want to motivate yourself. This is a great way to achieve the goals of your life.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

What Seth Godin, Tony Robbins, Tom Peters and KISS Have in Common

Executive summary form Steve Bauer’s articles

When I popped open my inbox this morning, I landed on a spectacular blog post. Seth had decided to talk about mood. (Incidentally, if you're not reading Seth's blog religiously, you're missing out on fundamental life and business inspiration. Subscribe today.) In his post, Seth highlights that getting "how to" information is minimally important. The big piece of the puzzle is getting riled up to actually follow through.
This ties into something that Tony Robbins has hammered into the ground: mechanics is only 20% of the pie - psychology is 80%. Strategy = 20% Motivation = 80%

Seth then asserts that the real value of a message is in motivating you to act. Because the how is not the hard part. Just go to Border's or Barnes and Noble (or your local bookstore if you live outside the US as I do) and you'll find stacks and stacks of $14.99 books that will extensively reveal the "how" to you. "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" was such a book for me. I read it and, within a month, quit my job. I've never been employed again since. So what do Seth Godin, Tony Robbins, Tom Peters and KISS have in common?
They all put me in a state where I can take action.
That's ultimately what Seth is talking about.
He's talking about state.
And that's what great communication and hypnosis is all about.
And if you want to learn how to alter states, learn from these guys, not from other NLPers. Watch rock concerts, eloquent politicians, movies, etc.
In one word, model. Absorb their strategies unconsciously instead of going for cheap "quick tips" from NLPers.
When you model as intensely as Tony Robbins has, you'll know you're mastering NLP.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

power tony robbins

Tony Robbins: Unleash The Power Within - A Life Changing Experience
Executive Summary about Unleash the power within by Terence Young

Tony is arguably one of the most renowned speakers in the world, millions of people from all over the globe have attended Anthony Robbins' live seminars. In 2004 I attended Tony Robbins "Unleash The Power Within" seminar. It was one of the best decisions of my life and without a doubt a pivotal moment in my life. Here is what I learned at the "Unleash The Power Within" 4 day seminar?

The larger than life American brought with him a well polished rock style show. The weekend is spent largely listening to Tony's instruction and doing exercises with other attendees. Day Four (Monday) - Health and Vitality As many would know, Tony is a vegetarian who chooses to live a healthy lifestyle. Before Robbins my diet was atrocious. We learned to breathe better so we could oxygenate our bodies, we learnt about healthy eating and how to create a healthy lifestyle by eliminating unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking.

By the time the presentation came around about the virtues of living a vegetarian diet I knew I was in big trouble. "The man who has inspired millions to change their lives! - Larry King (Host of Larry King Live on CNN)

Thought Power and How to Use Yours
Executive Summary about Thought Power and How to Use Yours by Dale Odeyami

Thought Power is the most powerful creative force known to humanity...
Some people who have studied various types of Metaphysical belief systems believe that thought power creates a being called a Thought-form. A great public speaker has the ability to transform the emotions of their audience with their thought power. Examples of those who have this power and use it to help people include Anthony Robbins, the dynamic motivational speaker, and Dr. Maxwell Maltz, the creator of the Psycho-cybernetics system.

We all have the power to do this - you don't have to be Dr. Maltz or Tony Robbins to use your thought power in this way...

Our thoughts have the power to heal us or to kill us. Likewise, thinking happy, uplifting thoughts will make you feel much better...

Monday 12 January 2009

Anthony Robbins - Aka Tony Robbins

By Benjamin Robert Ehinger

Anthony Robbins was born in 1960 on February 29th. This is the day of the leap year, which makes his birth day only come once every four years. His mother jumped from one guy to another during his childhood and he felt as if he had several fathers over this amount of time. His family was quite poor and they were offered many charity giving especially around holidays.

Tony Robbins is a big goal oriented type of person and always has been. Even in his later teen years he had found himself studying things like Nero Linguistic Programming or NLP. He did this with a man named John Grinder, who was a founder of NLP. There was a type of pure determination in Tony that allowed him to convince John to show him the skills of NLP. Still not even twenty years of age and he had already began to help others with their fears and phobias.

His big break came in Canada, when he went on a radio show and said that he could cure anybody of their phobia or fear rather quickly. A local Physiologist took this challenge with a patient that he had been working with for many years and was unable to cure. It all started at a hotel on stage when Robbins and this Physiologist had their dual. This lady was afraid of snakes and nothing had helped to cure her fear in the past. Anthony Robbins used his skills with NLP and some good entertainment and within minutes the lady was thrilled to have snakes around her.

This event sent his career into overdrive. Everybody wanted a taste of his incredible knowledge and wanted his help with conquering their fears. It only took Anthony Robbins one year to amass millions and become the king of his own castle in California. Every book he wrote started at the top of the best sellers list and all of his tapes became tops sellers as well.

He has helped many celebrities and very successful people earn the status they have today. Even with some of his fans becoming upset when he and his wife divorced he still has gone on to become the Anthony Robbins we all know today. He is now in his forties, sleeps only a few hours per day, and still gives some of the best motivational talks out there, even though they often last to early hours of the morning.

Monday 8 December 2008

Tony's Philosophy - 1 Focus on what you want

I have been a long time life without pint-up to do something, I just work like another people work there is no spirit till now I found a Video Tony's Philosophy on the net ie; "Focusing on what you want" It makes me eagerly to do my best result", now I am focusing on internet marketing. I hope the spirit that i get from this video can give me to my target.
Do you wanna see Tony robbin's video that help me raising up? I give you here, I found it on youtube.
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