Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Who is Anthony robbins?

I have never heard about him before, till Mr. Tung Desem Waringin (Tony's student, Indonesian Motivation trainer) told me 5 years ago about him. Tung told me that Anthony robbin is a International number one Success Coach. He has trained Bill Clinton, Andre agasi, Lady Diana, Nelson Mandela, Gorbachev and so on.
I often seek about Anthony robbins on the internet, fortunately google has shown me too many links about him,
This time I just you an example.
"" said

who is anthony robbin?

The creator/spokesperson for the "Personal Power" self-motivation learning seminars.
Someone from Lost in Space? wrote book on

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Unlimited Power is a national bestselling book (U.S.) by author and motivational speaker Anthony Robbins. In this book, Robbins shows his ideas on how to use ones mind to achieve. He includes subjects such as energy and health, overcoming fears, becoming a persuasive communicator, and improving relationships. The first edition was published by Fawcett Columbine (Ballantine Books) in 1987.

Anthony J. Mahavorick AKA Tony Robbins, pen name Anthony Robbins, (born 29 February 1960, Glendora, California) is an American life coach, motivational speaker and writer. Robbins has authored a number of books, including Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within. His best known tape program is Personal Power II; other programs include Get the Edge! and Lessons in Mastery.

Robbins has coached multiple world leaders, including several US Presidents, as well as Mikhail Gorbachev, Princess Diana and others. He has presented at the White House for both presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton. He has also been recognized as being in the vanguard of the New Age movement, along with other self-help gurus like Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, and Deepak Chopra. He is considered to be a candidate for the United States Presidency in 2008[citation needed]).That would be Batmans side kick...Robbin and away we go...

I'll show you my all searching soon.
So, wait my next another posting!

Thank you.

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